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Единое информационное пространство библиотек Белгородской области

Электронный каталог библиотеки им. В.Я. Ерошенко

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Special Eroshenko State Library
for the blind of Belgorod

Year of foundation: 1958.
The name of Vasiliy Yakovlevich Eroshenko was assigned in 1990.
The Belgorod state special library for the blind named after V. Eroshenko (juridical person) and it refers to state property of the region. It is resided in conduct of governing of administration in accordance with Civil code and other legislative acts of Russian Federation.
The Library is a member of RLA of the constant committee of the libraries' sections, servicing invalids. The regular staff employee: 36 persons, library workmеn - 25.
The special library for the blind is determined the status of central by "Law about library deal in Belgorod region". Article 12, point 3 describes the activity of the library and it especially underlined that it the central methodical and cultural center for municipal libraries of the region, servicing the blind (adults and children), members of their families, persons with other physical deficiencies, specialists, dealing with problems of education, social rehabilitation of invalids.
The library keeps and gives the users the most full collection of documents, published on Braille's system, "speaking" books and flat -printed literature.
The library closely cooperates with the Committee of social policy, organizations governing the public health and education with mass media of the region. Considering the resettlement of invalids the library has built a flexible system of service for unseeing people.
The state special library for the blind is situated in the center of complex of the blinds' society in Belgorod, the library stations of delivery are opened in 14 regions.
Both stationary and non- stationary forms of the service are used. Among them are the reading-room, extra-mural and home subscription, 15 leisure clubs. Home subscription specializes on delivering the books to readers-in the 1-st place for the aged persons and the persons and the persons with restriction in vital activity. Unseeing persons, who live in town or in rural places where there are no branches and library stations of delivery use the services of extramural subscription.
The branches closely tie up their work with the concrete requirement of enterprises, with the activity of public organizations. Annually over 14 thousand cassettes and books are sent to the readers of extramural subscription, branches and stations of delivery.
The library strives to the full and operative satisfaction of the invalids' requests. The number of users remains stable and it is shown with help of analysis.
In the library and in its branches are created the comfortable conditions, which satisfy the informational and cultural requirements of users. There are special tape-recorders for listening to the "speaking" books in all structured subdivisions of the library. Besides, the library is equipped with the places for work with flat-printed literature for totally unseeing people. The computer technologies are actively used in the library. The inculcation of the computer technologies has changed the former state of things.
The computerization of library service provides the independence of people, deprived of possibility to read the standard printed text. Well-equipped book fund contributes to the work. The fund of the library forms more then 100 thousand copies.
The sources of refill of the fund are the traditional suppliers of special literature (the publishing houses "Logos", "Reading", etc).
The increased interest to modern questions of the economy, politics and jurisprudence does not allow the publishers to provide the library with new books and periodicals in time. So since 1995 the library has been publishing the "speaking" books by itself. The services for unseeing people are provided with provision of conditions of the vision and psychology's of perception of different groups of readers.
For this purpose different facilities are used (the speech, music, integrated font, etc), calculated on perception by means of hearing, sense of touch, remaining vision.
There is a system of informing for unseeing specialists: leaders, lawyers, musicians, аnd medical workmen.
Since recent time the library has been cooperating with the Centre of legal information of the regional universal scientific library. They are going to make the electronic base of legal and normative documents for the unseeing.
Besides, the program "Special child" is worked out. The task of the library is to help these children and their parents to cope wish their problems. Among the readers of the special library there are invalids who are serviced on priority base. The books and information for unseeing people play an irreplaceable role, providing the social rehabilitation. The library retains the main principle in its activity - free library service, free access to information.

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е-mail: specbibl@belnet.ru

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